ubuntu 装以太坊,Ubuntu系统下以太坊搭建与运行全攻略





1. 更新系统源



sudo apt-get update


2. 安装依赖



sudo apt-get install software-properties-common

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum

sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:ethereum/ethereum-dev

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install ethereum


3. 验证安装



geth -h





geth [options] command [command options]


--config= JSON configuration file


Data directory for the blockchain and keystore

--networkid= Network id to use for network selection

--port= Port to listen on for RPC, IPC and p2p traffic

--nodiscover Do not attempt to discover peers (auto-discovery)

--nat= NAT interface to use (e.g.

--ipcpath= IPC path to listen on for IPC connections

--rpccorsdomain= Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (http)

--rpcvhosts= Comma separated list of virtual hosts to listen on for RPC (http)

--rpcaddr= IP address to listen on for RPC (enode)

--rpcport= Port to listen on for RPC (http)

--ws Enable the WebSocket interface

--wsaddr= IP address to listen on for WebSocket (enode)

--wsport= Port to listen on for WebSocket (http)

--wsorigins= Comma separated list of origins to accept websockets from

--gcmode= Transaction signing mode (default: sign transactions manually)

--gasprice= Price (in wei) to pay per gas unit

--txpoolnoempty Do not remove local transactions from the pool if the limit is reached

--txpoolnolocals Reject local transactions with nonces lower than the local chain

--txpooljournal= File to log local transactions to

--txpoolrejournal= Time interval to rescan the local transaction journal

--txpoolsize= Maximum number of transactions to keep in memory

--txpooljournalinterval= Time interval to flush transactions to the journal

--logconfig= Logging configuration file

--loglevel= Log verbosity level (0-9)

--dumpconfig= Dump current configuration to a file

--testnet Enable testing network (Ropsten, etc.)

--dev Enable developer mode


Data directory for the blockchain and keystore

--networkid= Network id to use for network selection

--port= Port to listen on for RPC, IPC and p2p traffic

--nodiscover Do not attempt to discover peers (auto-discovery)

--nat= NAT interface to use (e.g.

--ipcpath= IPC path to listen on for IPC connections

--rpccorsdomain= Comma separated list of domains from which to accept cross origin requests (http)

--rpcvhosts= Comma separated list of virtual hosts to listen on for RPC (http)

--rpcaddr= IP address to listen on for RPC (enode)

--rpcport= Port to listen on for RPC (http)

--ws Enable the WebSocket interface

--wsaddr= IP address to listen on for WebSocket (enode)

--wsport= Port